Sunday, July 20, 2008

Smooth Legs

To the slim girl, shaving their legs is a breeze. For a fat girl, it is a chore. First of all, you must decide to squeeze your butt into the tub or stand and attempt to touch your ankle. Let me tell you, neither way is good!
Sitting in the tub has its advantages. You can simply prop your legs up, lather, and shave. However, it also has its disadvantages. You have to work your way down into the tub. For some, that is a very tight spot.
Even if you can fit, you may not be able to move around. If you are squeezed into a tub, how can you get your leg up with ease? When you do get it up, the water flows like a dam just broke.
I almost forgot, once a fat chick gets down. She often has trouble getting back up. So, she might have to ask for assistance. Imagine having to get your husband, parents, or even children to help pull your naked, fat butt from a tub! How embarrassing!
Standing in the shower also has its advantages. No struggling to fit and you can usually get in and out with no trouble. The down side can be pretty tough though.
A 250 lb woman has a lot between her head and feet. All of it has to bend with her. That is not easy. It is almost impossible to bend completely over. Of course, you can place your foot on the side of the tub.
So, here you are. A fat, naked, and wet chick with your foot propped up on a slippery tub. You know what happens next. A fat, naked, and wet chick lying on the floor crying in pain.
If you don’t fall, you still may encounter problems. The extra fat will put pressure on your chest as you bend. So the whole time you are shaving, you are panting for air. Just imagine how scared our husband are when the walk by the bathroom….
No Smooth Legs Here!

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